Friday, 30 March 2012

Byron Bay and Lennox Head.

Last Friday we packed up The Ferrari and headed south to Byron Bay. The surf was insy winsy so we kept going a little to Lennox Head where Steve had a surf and I played photographer (I had been sick the day before and was still feeling unwell.) 
I also admired some of the lovely tropical flowers.

I Love frangipani! They are so pretty and smell so divine.

Steve getting his board ready.

Steve getting in the water at Lennox head while some guy rips up the wave in front of him.

Steve surfing.


Interesting rock.

Me playing with the self timer.

This flower is probably a weed but it is pretty colours.

Walking back to the car.

There were lots of these trees there with the slurpy-straw roots.

After the surf we headed back to Byron Bay and met up with Dad. We had a stroll and then had tea. Next we went for a wander down the beach. 

Pretty fairy lights we saw on our walk.

Us trying to get a picture of the three of us on the beach...

And trying.

Finally Steve brings himself down to our level!

And smiles.

After that we bought gelato and ate it near the beach.

The following photos are our shadows cast by the street lights onto the waves.

We then watched this guy playing the guitar. He was amazing! I have never seen someone play the guitar laying flat like that.

That night we stayed at a backpackers at Lennox Head. 
The next morning we made our way to Mount Warning. We followed Dad along some crazy back roads on his motor bike.

Then we hiked up the mountain.

We saw a snake snoozing.

The track was very nicely made out of stones. It must have been a massive mission to make it!

When we got to the top it decided to rain and should the view!

Everyone was buzzing out cause we wore jandals (but they called thongs and flip-flops.) The walk took us just under 4 hours including a bit of time at the top. It was a cool walk. There were some very steep parts at the top where you had to climb. 

Here is the view of Mount Warning from far away.

And another bridge. All the bridges in Australia look like prison bridges!

We had a picnic for tea with Dad and then Dad went home and we headed back to Byron. We were so tired though.

We had another little stroll and admired the sand sculpture (which we had seen the night before but was now lit up.)

And read mired the shining light shop.

And finally headed back to the back packers and removed the hiking jandals.

And revealed our filthy filthy feet. 

After a shower it was straight to bed. Which is what I'm gonna do right now 'cause I'm so tired! Night night.
xoxo Love Amy.

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