Monday, 28 May 2012

Bergalm Mountain Walk and Deer Spotting.

Saturday dawned sunny and fresh and after another sleep-in and a delicious breakfast headed into town so I could buy another new camera (hopefully this one stays with me for years!) and Peter could buy some new shoes. Then after a quick lunch back at Lisa and Peter's lovely house we all set out towards Fusselsee to walk up to Bergalm. (Alm means the huts that are up in the mountains where traditionally people went in summer and stayed there so their cows could eat the grass in the mountains and Berg means mountain.) You can have a look at the website here.
It was a very nice walk with beautiful cascading waterfalls and rushing rivers.

There was still snow in patches when we got higher up.

It was a bit tricky following the sigh... trees. But we made it to the hut with only one wrong turn. :)

These blue flowers are called enzian and are protected. The butter cup is also called a butter flower here too. (But in German.)

This sign says how high the hut is. 1250m.

Here is the Burgalm and Peter.

And here I am drinking a GIANT drink of apfelsaft und wasser. (Apple juice and water.)

Here is Lisa and Steve eating brettljause - a traditional Austrian dish. It is like a platter of cold meats and cheese etc. Mmmmm. :)

And here is me and Steve!

And the coolest people on the mountain top!

It was cute beacause at the hut there was the Grandad, Father, and boys of the family all serving the customers.

Pretty wildflowers!

Peter and Steve began searching for deer.

Lisa spotted one standing in the forest when we were nearly back to the bottom. It froze, camouflaged into the golden background of dry grass and leaves, and then bounded swiftly away through the trees.

When we got down we drove slowly through the fields as dusk settled over the landscape of rolling hills. Then Lisa spotted another deer sitting in a field of flowers! Isn't she cute!

We visited Fusselsee where Lisa and Peter got married.

Then spotted some more deer!

We also went to look at where Lisa and Peter had their wedding reception. Here is the view from up there! Such an awesome spot!

And on the way down I spotted this deer.

We had so much fun spotting and watching the deer. Some just carried on with what they were doing. Others froze and watched us. We spotted 10 altogether! 
After returning home we enjoyed a relaxing evening of just chilling, eating snacks, and watching Eurovision Songcontest. 

Another awesome day in Austria!

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